Rhapsody Socket 문제

IT/ibm 2012. 4. 2. 14:14

Error: Rhapsody cannot create Socket

Technote (troubleshooting)


Opening more than one instance of IBM Rational Rhapsody displays a warning message "Rhapsody cannot create socket".


Can not animate in the second instance of Rhapsody being opened.


The AnimationPortRange has been assigned a value 0 which lets to animate only one instance of Rhapsody at a given point of time.

Resolving the problem

This issue can be overcome by making a small change in the rhapsody.ini file which is found in the Rhapsody installation folder.

Under the [General] section of the rhapsody.ini file as found in the Rhapsody installation folder, edit the value of AnimationPortRange from 0 to a greater number such as 5 corresponding to the expected number of instances.

For example:






Posted by 즐건세상